[:1]I just rolled this baby and was wondering the worth?

5 to all res
7% MF
Thanks!!|||30-40 ists perhaps?|||20 ists max imho

|||Thanks for the answers! So anywhere from 20-40 ists basically...that's a huge range haha.|||I would make it self use if i did not get atleast 30 ist. Superior sc for all classes. All LOVE MF and most need @5Res to spare even more mf

Thats why i value it rather high!|||Which makes sense. I'll hold on to it unless I can trade it for an Enigma in an Archon Plate. It's pushing it, but you never know

|||Dont trade that for a nigma in an AP. That is worth far more than enigma. Unless your talking about an Enigma in a
superior AP, then they aren't even the same ball park.
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