Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Need some PC/insight on rare FCR ring and white wand

This is ESCL but I'll take whatever inputs you have!

Okay so I gambled an interesting FCR ring today. As it is, I'll probably not trade it b/c it looks really sexy for my soon to be rolled vengeance-ES-melee sorc


10% FCR


15 str

78 Mana

14 LR

The problem I see with it, is it would be really nice for an ES sorc, but that damn 8%LL is a wasted stat, trade wise on such a sorc! Life or another resist would have been much more desirable there.

The white wand I think runs the gambit of 'godly', but I havent had much experience trading these. I'm pretty sure this would be "auction" material though?

+3 Bone spear

+3 Bone spirit

+1 decrepify

Pulled this badboy on a chaos run and horkin bodies on my GF barb trying to get him a couple more levels. Interestingly enough I just rolled a Bone necro for PVP lol--funny how that works sometimes. But I read that white wands with +decrep are uber nice b/c you don't have to spend hardly any skill points into curses with them. So insight, auction type of item? Keep for my necro (which I'll more than likely do) or is this a bank builder?


Sporty|||I can only comment on the wand. These kinds of wands can be bought from drognan iirc.

Its still very rare ofc! But a +3bonespear/+3decrepify would have been better.

Cant see why the value should be increased much with both spirit and spear.

This however. I bought a 3spear/2revive/2 decrepify for 2 hrs last ladder. But im on euscl.

Peace|||+1 or +3 decrep is basically the same. only a few more seconds. This wand is bonerrific. White is and keep it, they don't get much better than that. Can't give you a value, but if I were the dueling type, I'd throw at least three hrs at that, no questions asked.|||That's a really great wand, and it can't be shopped iirc as decrepify won't spawn on Drognan's wands. Personally I prefer Poison Nova over Bone Spirit, but it's very popular still.

I cant comment about the price since Im on europe though.|||Bone spirit cannot occur on a wand from normal Drognan as well IIRC. BTW, not every kind of wand can have 2 sockets, so which one is it and where did it drop?|||Quote:

Bone spirit cannot occur on a wand from normal Drognan as well IIRC. BTW, not every kind of wand can have 2 sockets, so which one is it and where did it drop?

Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Lol, I completely forgot about that, that not all wands get 2os! Its a damn burnt wand!!!! What a terrible, terrible wasting tease

Oh man, that sucks lol. Well as consolation I found a 14% ed/3ar eth superior GPA on that run--But I would much rather have that be a 2os wand |||I hope that GPA has 4 sockets, because otherwise youre limited to the Larzuk will give you.

Shame about the wand really

Edit: 6 sockets of course not 5. Indeed will make a nice botd|||The GPA had no sockets, but that is okay cause Laz gives GPAs 6os--So it will make a pretty hot eBOTD for my GF/MF barb's merc, especially if i can get a roll above 400. Maybe that will make the hurting stop a little :P

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