Monday, April 16, 2012

[EuScL] Some zon items and

Hi would like to have some items checked mostly zon stuff and a few bits,

1) +2 ama circlet rare Def 55, 79ed, +25 sth, 60 life, 32 cr, Mdr 2, no socket

2) +2 ama amulet rare 10 fcr, 15 sth, 10 cr 10 lr 40 fr 10 pr

3) Griffon's Eye -24, +18, def +115, lvlup rbf

4) Rare ring 112 ar, 6 ll, 17 sth, 8 dex, 7 fr lvl 66

5) Rare java gloves def 136, +2 java, 20 ias, 3 ll, 45 ed, selfrepair, Eth lvl 42

6) Jaod Jeweler's Aegis of Defecting (have priced it here in early ladder)

7) Shadow skiller GC with 42 life

Put the zon gloves in as i dont think there very good but maybe get some style value on them.

Cheers for any that give an est.|||Hi stalker

I give it a go;

1 ~ 6ist (pity no frw/fcr - life is perfect and high str too....)

2 ~ 3ist

3 ~ 30ist

4 ~ 8ist

5 ~ 2ist

6 No idea

7 ~ 30ist

Cheers, Groo|||Hi Groo and thx for you insight, kinda surprised by 1 and 4 but in a good way Just wondering is the skiller an auction item?

cheers|||Hi again stalker

nr.1 is a tough call. Like I indicated, no frw/fcr makes it much harder to trade. But perfect life added with such high str (would have been better with high dex in this case, so value on str add depends on if it's needed or not ) topped with good cr gives it some tradevalue imo.

nr.4 is a great ring. Decent ll, over 100ar together with both str and dex is rare, and makes it valuable to many mellee builds.

All skillers that are in demand with 40+ life are auction material imo. Shadow skillers are not the most demanded skillers (traps for assa is much more popular), but they are used by Ghosts and Hybrid builds. A skiller like yours would be very useful for such builds pvp. If you make an auction - search up players with such chars and PM them

Best luck, Groo|||Thx once more, started the auction now, also though i should point out no.6 was priced by TBC in early ladder he said to take any offer since the stats have not change on it im thinking it probly the same

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