Wednesday, April 18, 2012

[euscl] Eth Arkaines Valor - Page 2


It depends on the stats. You have no idea about how much a perfect eth valor would go for.

I don't really like fort on mercs, but that's because I usually play high damage chars and mobs die like flies. Only end bosses takes longer, but mercs are really gimped vs end bosses so only crushing blow will help you out here. I like treachery on my mercs. I haven't had a forty merc since 1 or 2 year and it's not because I can't afford it.

I suppose, for me I guess its just that my favorite chars have always been javazons, sorcs, and Bowazons, and in the first 2 cases I like to rely on my merc to kill immunes since I usually can't afford infinity (or at least would prefer to spend runes on other chars), and in the 3rd case that Merc needs to be the biggest tank possible and leech enough damage to stay alive in the worst mobs. Fort is the best for that, although I guess for some chars other armors make sense, I still don't see how AV can be better than an Ebugged Fort|||You are right that an ebugged forty in general outclasses the valor on any merc, but when it comes to zvz (zeal vs zeal) an ebugged forty is considered bm. Sure you can use a non ebugged forty on your zealot, but some go for a zodded eth valor (if it's has high enough ed). There may not be many valor zealots around, but there are some and they would kill for a perf eth valor.|||True, I always forget about PvP as it has never been my cup of tea, I also wasn't aware that Ebug Fort was BM. So maybe it is worth something, but I assume it wouldnt be easy to find a buyer|||This particular valor isn't worth much, but near perf valors hold value, which I though was the thing we were talking about.

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