A High (28 cold) Death's Fathom seems to go pretty well, was able to trade one quickly for an Assasin Torch today (17/16). I'm guessing based on the quick response I could have held out to get more from it, but I figure it's around Ist~Vex.
4os Monarch and 4os Superior Monarch seems to be off; I tried for a good part of the week to get a 4os superior monarch for a pul (ist was often requested), and later a 4os monarch for a pul. Ended up finally getting a 33 spirit monarch for 2 puls. Not sure if people just think their junk is worth more than it is, or if the values just fluctuate a lot day to day or the ones listed are off. Just figured I'd pass the info along.|||Quote:
Registered so I could drop the knowledge I have.
A High (28 cold) Death's Fathom seems to go pretty well, was able to trade one quickly for an Assasin Torch today (17/16). I'm guessing based on the quick response I could have held out to get more from it, but I figure it's around Ist~Vex.
4os Monarch and 4os Superior Monarch seems to be off; I tried for a good part of the week to get a 4os superior monarch for a pul (ist was often requested), and later a 4os monarch for a pul. Ended up finally getting a 33 spirit monarch for 2 puls. Not sure if people just think their junk is worth more than it is, or if the values just fluctuate a lot day to day or the ones listed are off. Just figured I'd pass the info along.
Added the Fathom price, and split the difference between what was listed and your finding for the monarch's - at least it should give people a better idea of the range. Also added value for non-perf FCR Spirit.
Keep the updates coming!|||Quote:
Infinity (Colossus Voulge) = | Eth = ~Lo
This sounds way off for something that requires 2 ber to make,
can we get some clarification on this or is there a typo?
Was this supposed to be Insight CV?|||Thanks for making this guide. I'm relatively new to trading in Diablo 2 and refer to it regularly.
One suggestion I'd like to make is to remove anything from the list that isn't at least a pul or better. This is because anything that's not pul value is very illiquid. It is definitely not worth my time, for instance, to try and get a Lem for my Shaftstop armor. This would make your list (a) more concise and (b) less cumbersome to maintain. Just a thought.
Values you've posted that I can confirm:
Shako for pul
SoJ for vex
Arachnid Mesh for ist (if I remember correctly, offering mal wasn't working)
4 os eth thresher for vex/vex (or ohm)
4% res all sc for mal
5% res all sc for ist
BK ring 5%LL for vex
Values you've posted that I doubt:
Been trying to unload two occys for pul each. Hasn't worked.
Vipermagi for Um? There are so many good runewords for armor. I'd say pul at best.
That's all. I'll post with more info as I get it. Thanks again.|||Looks like 4/5 cold facets are going for Um, and 5/5 level-up cold facets go for ist. if it's a 5/5 die, people are asking for vex+
Also, the Lo for a eth CV Infinity has got to be a typo, no one on b.net will even consider parting with even a crappy infinity for less than 2 HR.|||Sorry guys, was on vacation for a couple of weeks...
I made the updates and they seem to have stuck, but for some reason the date stamp and reason didn't update.
shady/Asrrin - Yeah, sorry, I definitely messed something up with the Infinity.
elemental - Let me know what you unload those Occy's for if you ever do. Good thought about the lower valued items, but I'm going to leave them for now. I just think it makes trading feel more accessible to some of the poorer folk

This is a continuation of the original guide/thread created by Capteone.
Vex/Cham = 2 Gul
Ohm/Sur/Zod = 4 Gul
Lo = 6 Gul
Ber/Jah = 8 Gul
Are these correct/up-to-date?
I've been able to trade Ohm for Lo more than once, I don't think it's 50% more expensive than Sur or Zod. Also, is cham that cheap?|||Does anyone know the value of these items?
unid Steelrends
unid eth Sandstorm Treks
Nightwing�s Veil 9%
3os Tombreaver
unid eth Herald of Zakarum|||Quote:
Are these correct/up-to-date?
I've been able to trade Ohm for Lo more than once, I don't think it's 50% more expensive than Sur or Zod. Also, is cham that cheap?
More or less, though again, this is based off of someone else's work and even then, just a guideline. Some people will still trade just about any HR for another, but there are definitely some that are more sought after and this clearly illustrates which those are. Let's put it this way: I doubt someone would trade you a Ber for a Cham.
@BradC Try checking the Europe list as it's more complete (and reasonably comparable) or posting a "Price Check" thread.|||Need a price check on a few things I'm looking for.
11% small charms
30+ mf ring = | (35+ mf) = | (40 mf) =
gull dagger
blade of ali baba
+2 necro skills amulet = | (w/ other good mods) =
+4 necro summoning rare amulet = | (w/ other good mods) =
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